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powerd by うなぎいもプロジェクト


カテゴリー │歴史文化アメリカ


This is Nick from Tree House English!


February is a month full of special occasions.
Most people tend to think of Valentine's Day.
In Japan, we also have Setsubun, National Foundation Day, and the Emperor's birthday!
However, in America, besides Valentine's Day, February is a month-long celebration of African-American History.
Today, I'd like to introduce Black History Month!

Black History Month

アメリカでは、2 月は黒人の歴史、またはアフリカ系アメリカ人の歴史に捧げられた記念月となっています。
アフリカ系アメリカ人歴史月間の起源は、1926 年にアメリカの歴史家カーター G. ウッドソンが黒人生活と歴史研究協会とともに 2 月の第 2 週を「黒人歴史週間」と宣言したときに遡ります。当初は 1 週間にわたる祝賀行事として提案され、第 2 週はエイブラハム リンカーンとフレデリック ダグラスの誕生日にあたりました。

In America, February has become a commemorative month dedicated to Black history or African American history.
The origin of African-American History Month can be traced back to 1926, when American historian Carter G. Woodson, alongside the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, announced the second week of February to be "Negro History Week.". At the onset, it was proposed as a weeklong celebration, and the second week corresponded with both Abraham Lincoln's and Frederick Douglass' birthdays.

最初の年のイベントは全国的に採用されることはありませんでしたが、ノースカロライナ州、デラウェア州、ウェストバージニア州などの州や、ボルチモア、ニューヨーク市、フィラデルフィア、ワシントン D.C. の市立学校管理局では小規模な成功を収めました。

The event began as a kind of grassroots movement, which was helped along by the support of African-American newspapers at the time.
Through coordinated teachers of African-American history in public schools the event began to take hold.
The first years event didn't see nation wide adoption, but did see minor success in states like North Carolina, Delaware, and West Virginia as well as the city school administrations of Baltimore, New York City, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C.
Despite the small scale, Woodson saw it was a major success and a huge step forward for African-Americans.
From then on, the events success would rapidly grow and saw wide-scale adoption through public schools and throughout communities.

1969 年、ケント州立大学で、黒人教育者と黒人学生連合が、黒人歴史週間を黒人歴史月間にすることを提案しました。
それ以来、最初の黒人歴史月間は、1970 年 1 月 2 日から 2 月 28 日まで、ケント州立大学で開催されました。
黒人歴史月間は、1976 年にジェラルド フォード大統領が米国民に「歴史を通じてあらゆる分野であまりにも無視されてきた黒人アメリカ人の功績を称える機会をつかむ」よう促したことで公式化されました。

In 1969 at Kent State University, Black educators and Black United Students proposed that Black History Week become Black History Month.
From then on, the first Black History Month took place from January 2 to February 28, 1970, at Kent State University.
Black History Month was made official by President Gerald Ford in 1976 when he urged Americans to "seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.".

英国は 1987 年に独自の黒人歴史月間を開始し、10 月に開催されます。

Since its inception, Black History Month has become a roaring success and has spread throughout other countries as well.
The United Kingdom began their own Black History Month in 1987, which is held in October.
Germany, Canada, Ireland, France, and countries throughout Africa all celebrate their own version of Black History Month.

1926 年と黒人歴史月間の始まり以来、創設者たちは自分たちのイベントがどうなったかだけでなく、アメリカがどのように変わったかについても誇りに思うだろうと思います。

Since 1926 and the start of Black History Month, I think the founders would be proud of not only what their event has become but also how America has changed.
The early years of American history are marred with slavery, segregation, and racism, but as a country and people, America has come together to become something bigger.
Although things are still not perfect, great efforts and improvements have been made.
Even from when I was a kid, racism wasn't very prominent, but when I see America now, I feel as if it's almost non-existent.
I look forward to not only America but the world coming together as we work together and celebrate humanity as a whole.

私の町Wellington, Florida
私の町Wellington, Florida(2024-03-25 09:00)

決して忘れない(2023-09-11 09:11)

