Amadeus 1984


2025年03月13日 09:00


This is Nick from Tree House English!


During my elementary and junior high school days, music education wasn't that great.
I remember learning to play the recorder in elementary school, but that's about it.
I can't read or understand any music theory now, which is unfortunate because I love music.
However, I do remember one thing from music class in junior high school.
The teacher let us watch a movie about Mozart.
To this day, I remember being impacted heavily by this film.
Let's talk about Amadeus!

アマデウスは、ヴォルフガング・アマデウス・モーツァルトとアントニオ・サリエリのライバル関係を再現した 1984 年の時代劇です。
この映画はミロシュ・フォアマンが監督し、ピーター・シェーファーの 1979 年の舞台劇に基づいています。
シェーファー自身も、1830 年のアレクサンドル・プーシキンの戯曲「モーツァルトとサリエリ」に基づいて脚本を書いています。

Amadeus is a 1984 period drama that reimagines a rivalry between Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Antonio Salieri.
The film was directed by Miloš Forman and was based on the 1979 stage play by Peter Shaffer.
Shaffer himself based his play on the 1830 Alexander Pushkin play Mozart and Salieri.

映画のランキングでは、アマデウスは100年... 100本の映画リストで53位にランクされました。

Released worldwide on September 19th, 1984, the film saw instant success and became a smash hit.
The film returned over $90 million on a budget of $18 million.
After the film's run, it was nominated for a total of 53 awards and won 40 of them.
Of the 40 awards, 8 of them were Academy Awards, four BAFTA Awards, four Golden Globe Awards, and a Directors Guild of America Award for Outstanding Directing.
When it comes to film ranking, Amadeus ranked 53rd in the 100 Years... 100 Movies list.
Finally, in 2019, the film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry.


The production of the film saw many actors audition for the role of Mozart.
Mark Hamill, famously known for his role as Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, was among those auditioning.
In fact, he was already familiar with the role due to his performance of Mozart for the stage play when he replaced the original actor, Tim Curry, during the Broadway run.
Unfortunately, Hamill's association with Star Wars led to him not being cast, as Forman didn't believe the audience would accept Luke Skywalker as Mozart.


The production also benefitted from being shot on location in the Czech Republic.
Forman was able to shoot in locations like Prague and Kroměříž, even being allowed to film inside Count Nostitz Theatre, where Mozart's Don Giovanni and La clemenza di Tito debuted two centuries before.

2002 年 9 月 24 日、同映画のディレクターズ カット版がリリースされ、約 20 分の映像が追加され、PG 指定が R 指定に引き上げられました。
未公開シーンを組み込むために、プロデューサーはオリジナルのフィルム ネガを修正し、将来のリリースにはすべてそのシーンが含まれるようにしました。

On September 24th, 2002, a Director's Cut of the film was released, adding nearly an additional 20 minutes of footage and bumping up the film's PG rating to R.
Normally, this would be seen as a nice bonus for enthusiasts, but it sparked a debate amongst fans.
To incorporate the unreleased scenes, the producers modified the original film negatives so that all future releases would include the scenes.
Some fans claim the scenes detract from the original film experience and wish to view only the theatrical release, which has become impossible with modern technology.


Amadeus is a film that holds up against the test of time.
It may not be historically accurate, but due to the incredible performance from the actors mixed with Mozart's timeless music, it always remains an enjoyable watch.
Although I didn't learn much from my music class, I'm happy that teacher introduced such a wonderful movie to us.
Now I hope everyone else can enjoy it, too!
